Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Twitter Poetry

I occasionally write a bit of twitter poetry- the aim of which is to start with a single image and construct a verse around it of 140 characters or less. I really enjoy doing this, more as a little mind exercise than anything else although I appreciate that some work better than others. Although it's easiest to write the poems in a twitter message (because then I can keep tabs on the pesky character number which spends more of its time red and with a minus next to it than I'd care to admit), I've decided to collect them here as well and will add to them as I write. These are all the ones I could find that I've written in the last nine months or so.

I'm always on the look out for new words as I find an external source makes for the most interesting constructions so if you'd like to please suggest a word (and I will have a go at pretty much any word), it would be really helpful to me!

Shimmering 23/10/15
Nightly the land lies
Besotted by an inky heat.
A heavy moon
Dips towards water
To watch it shimmering-
And finds relief

Autumn 23/10/15
Joyous rage!
The earth atomwise
Becoming Icarus
In the flames.
She falls
And stoops-
Reclaiming quietly
A smoky haze.

Bustle 23/10/15
At 8:50
The clouds charge by
Forgotten in the sky
By those beneath.
Until the rain
Reminds them
Of the blueness
In between.

Rust 23/10/15
Unfathomed strength
To bear unnatural load
She lists & bows.
Through tears
As flakes of burnished snow
cascade& drown

A Plate of Cherries 02/06/15
Shiny hearts
So gorgeous
In the sun-
I discarded stones
Let juices run.
But cooler now
I wait the fall
Perhaps they
Weren't sweet
After all.

Twilight in Winter
As breath rose
Through silhouetted branches
Like fingers
Reaching up
Toward an ink-spill sky,
We walked.

Untitled 05/01/15
I Long for Spring!
Apple-bright & clean
To brace my skin
Against the laughing air
And thrill-
Before the land
Turns honeyed,

Kindling 02/06/15
So brittle lies
The kindling
Stacked round their
leafy brethren
That first flicker

To bring themselves alive